Humidification Factor
 Office and call centre humidification


   Balanced Air Hydration for Offices

Office environments that are air conditioned during the summer and heated in the winter will suffer from low humidity without correct humidification. Prolonged exposure to a dry atmosphere will effect the health of staff, increase absenteeism and lower productivity.

One of the first noticeable effects of dry air is electrostatic shocks, which occur below a threshold of 40%RH. Other less recognisable effects include dry itchy skin, contact lenses prematurely drying out and causing discomfort, sore eyes and throat, and an increase in dehydration.


Humidification to boost health and productivity


Quote from Dr. med. Walter Hugentobler

"As a physician, I strongly support humidification of dry indoor air. An additional humidification system reduces the risk of cold and flu and is improving well-being and productivity of employees.

Latest scientific research confirms what’s been recognized for decades: humidity around 50 percent is pleasant for people while deadly for coughed out flu and cold viruses!"


Tests have shown that the transmission of airborne viruses, such as influenza, are greater at a low humidity. Maintaining an optimum humidity will reduce airborne transmissions on an office and reduce absenteeism.

The recommended level of humidity for human health is between 40-60% RH. To maintain this level large offices will employ industrial humidification systems within the central air conditioning system. However, in-room humidifier systems are available that can introduce moisture directly and discretely to a room's atmosphere.

Employees are your most precious asset! A successful business needs a workforce that is not just motivated and efficient but also healthy. Workplace design is now an increasingly important factor for business success: Together with acoustic comfort and the right lighting, an optimum indoor climate is a key factor for office worker performance.

Recent studies also show that air humidity is the most important element of indoor climate in terms of its impact on health: Survival time and transmission of viruses and the immune defence of our mucous membranes both are crucially influenced  by air humidity. In open space offices in particular, dry air is associated with a high risk of becoming infected by a cold or flu virus.

For the speaking professions and display screen users, dry air is both troublesome and a health risk. Dryness in the throat, hoarseness and  persistent coughing are all symptoms of dry air. Eyes are also sensitive to low levels of air humidity, and may respond by becoming irritated or inflamed.

An optimum air humidity of at least 40% is an effective preventive measure for workplace health. Today, direct air humidification systems can be easily installed in both new and existing office buildings. If air humidity levels drop under the optimum value, the humidifiers produce an ultrafine mist” of microscopic droplets that is immediately absorbed by room air.

Benefits of Air Hydration in office environments include:

  • Extensive expertise around the world in office applications
  • Comprehensive product range to precisely meet customers' requirements
  • Low energy systems to reduce operating costs and improve humidity control
  • Low maintenance solutions that minimise on-going service requirements
  • Comprehensive service of expert advice, design, supply, installation, commissioning, maintenance and spares supply
  • Increased staff productivity through improved health and reduced absenteeism

You need a humidifier if you are suffering from:

  • Flaky, rough or cracked skin
  • Electrostatic shocks
  • Premature contact lens discomfort
  • High levels of airborne dust
  • Split ends and dull, unmanageable hair
  • Regular sore throats, headaches and tired eyes
  • Cracks in wooden furniture and flooring

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